Tag Archives: leg workout

Orange you glad it’s Wednesday



Happy Wednesday! We’ve made it halfway through the week – only the best half is left.

I had a pretty good day today. The kiddies were better than yesterday which makes me happy. Only one day left with them before I possibly have a day off (which I will use to tackle the laundry monster that’s taking over our closet).

I’ve already got my lunch all packed up, now I’m just watching tonight’s Biggest Loser and putting off doing the dishes.

Lunch today was huge, but delicious. Leftover salmon, b-nut squash, 2 little clementine’s, string cheese. and yogurt w/raspberries. It seems like a lot, but it was the perfect amount to fuel me for an afternoon of 2nd grade. Smile

Matt went to the doctor again today and found out he’s got a strong strain of strep. He got his meds filled but wanted me to stop @ the store to grab some pudding. So instead of going straight to the gym I went to Walgreens and got him a snack pack. Oh, the things I do for love.

So I got to eat an extra good snack before the gym.


Pre-gym eats. Sliced up apple, 1 T whipped Peter Pan pb, 2 pcs Nature’s Pride double fiber bread (toasted). Helped fuel me up to do this:

run 12 7 10

Ran 2 miles on the treadmill


Sweet potato carcass!

I’ve been eating so much orange stuff the last few days – sweet potatoes, butternut squash, oranges, clementine’s, carrots – that I might turn orange!

(True story: when I was a baby I loved my squash and yams so much that I turned a slightly orange-ish hue. No lie, I had orange skin for a while.)

In addition to the 2 miles I ran, I beat up on my legs tonight.

  • squats – held 10lb dumbbells and did 3 sets of 20 reps
  • calf raises – 10lb dumbbells, 3 sets of 30
    • when I do calf raises, I do 1 set w/my toes parallel, 1 set w/toes pointed in, 1 set w/toes pointed out. This way I hit all 3 calf muscles
  • side lunges – 1 10lb dumbbell, 3 sets of 15 reps on each side
  • lunge w/back foot on step, 8lb body bar, 3 sets of 15 reps on each side
  • tibialis raises (this is the muscle on the front of your shin) w/8lb body bar on toe. I did 3 sets of 30 reps on each leg.

After my killer leg workout (seriously, I’m so sore) I stretched really well and foam rolled for the first time. Holy geez, now I know what everyone is raving about.

Great DietHealth video on foam rolling

If you want to be my BFF forever, hook me up with one of these babies. Winking smile

Nothing too exciting going on tonight. I’m staying away from Matt as much as possible in order to avoid the germs.

Now this tired blogger must head to bed – I’ve got a long day of work/gym tomorrow!