May Goals

Hopefully you saw my life update post yesterday. It was a long and sometimes rough 3 months since I last blogged, but I’m ready to get back and am feeling really positive lately.

I thought the best way to end my hiatus is with some new monthly goals. I used to do these all the time and don’t know why I stopped!

Marvelous May Goals:

1. Eat clean 80% of the time

– I know 100% is near impossible, and with some traveling thrown into the mix this month I know some cheats can’t be avoided. But while I’m in charge of my meals I’m going to be as clean as possible.

2. Move 30 minutes every day

The plan is to get in a “real” workout 6 days, then active recovery, such as walking, gentle yoga, etc. I’ve been enjoying more walks recently and am surprised with how much I like them!

3. Track Pointsplus & calories 6 days a week 

– I’ve been doing pretty well on this, actually, the last two weeks. I won’t say 7 days, because that’s just setting myself up for failure.

4 Cut back sweets (can’t completely cut them out – that would be crazy!)

– I have a terrible sweet tooth, and once I get started it’s difficult to stop. Treats in the teachers lounge are a big culprit, but thankfully those won’t be a problem once school is out for the summer!

5. No shopping for “extras”

Matt & I are making the huge step to buy a new car this month! We both have pretty old cars, but mine is starting to become a money sucker and after putting over $1000 into repairs over the last several months it’s time to trade up.

6. Follow meal plan & workouts for NHerShoes #SummerShred13

– I’ll be writing a separate post all about this, but it will help with the first four goals for the month!

Looking forward to a healthy and happy May!!!

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